Ultrastructural and functional analysis of neutrophil granulocytes. (A-B) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of representative native neutrophil granulocytes from a healthy individual (ND; A) and patient no. 30 (B). The neutrophils of the patient (B) contained higher amounts of granules, demonstrating high degrees of variability in size, shape, and electron density. Immature granules are indicated by arrows. (C-D) TEM of in vitro-differentiated neutrophil granulocytes on exposure to Pseudomonas bacteria. No difference is seen in phagolysosome formation and bacterial degradation in granulocytes from the healthy individual (C) compared with patient (no. 30; D). (E) Western blot analysis of peripheral blood neutrophils obtained from 2 healthy control individuals with and without prior G-CSF treatment and patient no. 30. Complete blots are shown in Figure S1. (F) Chemotaxis assay of peripheral blood neutrophils from 2 healthy control donors (ND 1 and ND 2) and patient no. 30. Cells either migrated toward medium without chemoattractant (negative control) or toward medium supplemented with 10-7 M fMLP. (G) Uptake of FITC-labeled K12 E coli by in vitro-differentiated neutrophils from 2 healthy control donors and patient no. 30. (H) Killing of lactose permease-deficient E coli in peripheral blood neutrophils from 2 control donors (ND 1 and ND 2) and patient no. 30.