Figure 3.
Figure 3. Kaplan-Meier estimates of event-free survival for CCG 1953 patients in MLL-rearranged subgroups. Comparison of t(4;11), t(11;19), and t(9;11) groups, P = .77. Comparison of “other 11q23” group versus combination of t(4;11), t(11;19), and t(11;19), and t(9;11) groups, P = .03.

Kaplan-Meier estimates of event-free survival for CCG 1953 patients in MLL-rearranged subgroups. Comparison of t(4;11), t(11;19), and t(9;11) groups, P = .77. Comparison of “other 11q23” group versus combination of t(4;11), t(11;19), and t(11;19), and t(9;11) groups, P = .03.

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