Cellular effects of ER stress induced by TM and TG, Hsp90, and proteasome inhibitors. (A) Transcriptional upregulation of EDEM-1, known to accelerate the degradation of misfolded proteins, demonstrated by real-time Taqman PCR. (B) The extent of cytoplasmic inclusions exhibited by U266 in response to treatments (24 hours, IC50 doses: TM, 100 μM; TG, 10 μM; 17-AGG, 5 μM; Bortezomib, 8 nM) was determined using May-Grunwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining and light microscopy (Olympus BH-2 microscope [Olympus, London, United Kingdom] 100×/1.40 oil; images acquired using JVC KY-F1030 digital camera and JVC Scan Rate Converter [Victor, Tokyo, Japan]). (C) Immunoglobulin light chain staining demonstrates a build-up of λ light chain within the inclusions. Representative cell line data on U266 are shown. All experiments were repeated in triplicate.