Figure 1.
Distribution of human myeloid subsets in BRGSF mice and effect of Flt3L on their development. Representative flow cytometry immunophenotypic analysis of hCD45+HLA−DR+CD19−CD3−CD56− cells from bone marrow (A) and spleen (C) of an Flt3L-treated mouse and a PBS-treated littermate engrafted with the same CD34+ HSC donor. Comparison of frequencies within the human CD45+ cells and total number of the 4 myeloid subsets (CD14+ monocytes, CD123+ pDCs, CD141+ cDCs, and CD1c+ cDCs) with or without Flt3L treatment in bone marrow (B) and spleen (D). Each dot represents 1 mouse. Composite data from 3 independent experiments are shown. Numbers in plots represent frequencies within gates.