Figure 2.
K1ER KLF1 ChIP-Seq analysis. (A) Distribution of all KLF1 peaks. Promoters are defined as the region from −1000 bp to +1000 bp around the transcription start site (TSS) of RefSeq genes. Peaks that fell into CDS exons 4′ and 3′ untranslated region exons and transcription termination sites (−100 bp to +1 kb) were all labeled as other. Percentages lying in each region are given, and absolute peak numbers are shown in parentheses. (B) Histogram of distance of promoter peak centers to the corresponding RefSeq TSS with 50-bp bins. (C) The top 800 KLF1 peaks within different genomic regions. (D) KLF1 enrichment across the gene body of Zbtb7a. (E) KLF1 enrichment at the promoter region of Zbtb7a, showing the conserved CACCC and GATA consensus sequences in pink and gray, respectively.