Figure 1.
Figure 1. Meta-analysis of ADAMTS13 levels in GABC and TSS. (A) Genome-wide plot of –log10(P) for ∼5.82 million SNPs. The red line marks the 5.0E-8 threshold of genome-wide significance. (B) Quantile-quantile plot of observed vs expected –log10(P) for ADAMTS13 meta-analysis. The observed P < 5.0E-8 are shown in red. (C) Regional plot for the associated region near ADAMTS13 on Chr9. (D) Regional plot for ADAMTS13 and STKLD1 (C9orf96) genes on chromosome 9 (chr9) conditioned by the top SNP rs28673647 from meta-analysis. (E) Regional plot for ADAMTS13 conditioned by the top 2 independent SNPs, rs28673647 and rs3739893. (F) Regional plot for PRDM15 on chr21 when using the top 2 independent SNPs, rs28673647 and rs3739893, as covariates.

Meta-analysis of ADAMTS13 levels in GABC and TSS. (A) Genome-wide plot of –log10(P) for ∼5.82 million SNPs. The red line marks the 5.0E-8 threshold of genome-wide significance. (B) Quantile-quantile plot of observed vs expected –log10(P) for ADAMTS13 meta-analysis. The observed P < 5.0E-8 are shown in red. (C) Regional plot for the associated region near ADAMTS13 on Chr9. (D) Regional plot for ADAMTS13 and STKLD1 (C9orf96) genes on chromosome 9 (chr9) conditioned by the top SNP rs28673647 from meta-analysis. (E) Regional plot for ADAMTS13 conditioned by the top 2 independent SNPs, rs28673647 and rs3739893. (F) Regional plot for PRDM15 on chr21 when using the top 2 independent SNPs, rs28673647 and rs3739893, as covariates.

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