miR-26a protects mice against carboplatin-induced myelosuppression. The mice received IV injection of 670 pmol per 20 g of miR-26a or control (ctrl) chimera daily for 3 days. On day 2 of the chimera treatment, carboplatin 120 mg/kg was injected. The numbers of WBCs, red blood cells (RBCs), and platelet (PLTs) 5 days (A) and 10 days (B) after carboplatin treatment. Data (mean ± SD) were pooled from 2 experiments involving a total of 3 mice per group. (C) Therapeutic effect of miR-26a chimera with 5-FU. NSG mice bearing MDA-MB-231 cells were treated with miR-26a chimera (670 pmol per 20 g; 5 times) and/or 5-FU 50 mg/kg (3 times). Data (mean ± SD) were pooled from 2 experiments involving a total of 6 mice per group. There was a significant difference between the 5-FU plus ctrl chimera group vs 5-FU plus miR-26a chimera group (2-way repeated-measures analysis of variance [ANOVA] followed by Bonferroni post-test for day 0 to day 21; interaction P < .0001). (D) Therapeutic effect of miR-26a chimera with carboplatin. NSG mice bearing MDA-MB-231 cells were treated with miR-26a chimera (670 pmol per 20 g; 5 times) and/or carboplatin 40 mg/kg (3 times). Data (mean ± SD) were pooled from 2 experiments involving a total of 6 mice per group. There was a significant difference between the carboplatin plus ctrl chimera group vs carboplatin plus miR-26a chimera group (2-way repeated-measures ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-test for day 0 to day 24; interaction P < .0001). *P < .05, **P < .01. Error bars indicate SD.