Figure 1.
Characterization of human MSCs. hMSCs were isolated from remnants of bone marrow transplant bags and cultured in DMEM with 10% FCS. Upon confluence, the cells were harvested and stained with antihuman CD11b to exclude the population that was positive for this marker. The remaining cells were sorted as positive for CD90, CD73, and CD44, and negative for CD45 (A) and cultured to confluence. The pluripotency of MSCs was determined by adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation assays using ADM and ODM, respectively. Fourteen days later, Oil-Red-O staining was performed for lipid droplets, and Alizarin red staining was performed for calcium deposition. Replicates of cells, grown in ODM, were also subjected to von Kossa staining on day 21 for mineralization. Original magnification ×100 (B).