Figure 3.
Expression of NKp30, NKp46, and CD161 consistent with an adaptive NK cell phenotype. NK cell subsets, including CD56brightCD16neg (1), CD56brightCD16pos (2), CD56dimCD16pos (3), and CD56negCD16pos (4), were evaluated for each group of children: Nandi (EBVlow/malarialow), Kisumu (EBVhigh/malariahigh), and eBL patients with low EBV and high EBV load. Comparison of NKp30 (A) and NKp46 (B) expression on the different NK cell subsets across all study groups. NKp30 (C) and NKp46 (D) expression on CD56negCD16pos NK cell subsets across study groups. Nandi, n = 10; Kisumu, n = 8; and BL, n = 11 for NCRs. (E) Comparison of CD161 on the different NK cell subsets across all study groups. (F) CD161 expression on the CD56negCD16pos NK cell subset across study groups. Nandi, n = 8; Kisumu, n = 8; and BL, n = 11 for CD161 expression. Data are mean ± SD. *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001.