Putative driver mutations (somatic SNVs, small indels, and CNVs) identified among 19 pre–B-cell cALL relapse patients and grouped into relevant signaling pathways. Genes (top) are ordered according to the number of events identified in the cohort (descending order from left to right). Pathways are ordered according to the number of genes identified as mutated (descending order from left to right). The mutation color scale indicates the VAFs of SNVs and indels (from light green [VAF ≤ 0.1] to dark blue [VAF = 1]). CNVs are indicated in gray. The mutation rate color scale indicates to which dynamic or subclonal quartile the event belongs to (from light yellow [Q1, low values] to red [Q4, high values]). Numbers in cells indicate the number of multiclonal mutations co-occurring in the same gene. μ, mutation rate.