C/EBPα overrides rather than displaces RUNX1-ETO or RUNX1-EVI1. (A-D) De novo RUNX1-ETO or RUNX1-EVI1 bound sites after E2 treatment are also bound by C/EBPα. Overlap of sites bound by either RUNX1-ETO (A) or RUNX1-EVI1 (C) after either ethanol or E2 treatment of cells. (B,D) ChIP-seq profiles of either RUNX1-ETO (B) or RUNX1-EVI1 (D) ranked from top to bottom in order of decreasing relative DNA sequence tag count for peaks identified after E2 and vehicle treatment. Aligned to the same coordinates are C/EBPα ChiP-seq tag counts in cells treated with either ethanol or E2. (E-F) GSEA of genes close to sites with altered RUNX1-ETO and RUNX1-EVI1 binding after C/EBPα induction in Kasumi1 and SKH1 cells. Comparison of gene expression profiles of these genes to HSC and monocyte expression patterns. (E) Increased binding of RUNX1-ETO and RUNX1-EVI1 after C/EBPα upregulation occurs at monocyte-associated genes and is associated with increased expression. (F) Decreased binding of RUNX1-ETO and RUNX1-EVI1 after C/EBPα upregulation occurs at HSC-associated genes, which are downregulated.