PMN and myelocyte numbers in BM and blood of mice deficient in NSPs and serpinB1. Cell counts (top panels) and percentages (bottom panels) were determined by flow cytometry analysis for (A) BM PMNs, (B) myelocytes, and (C) blood PMNs in 8-week-old mice. Each circle represents the value for 1 mouse; horizontal bars indicate median value for each genotype (BM: N = 19-25; blood: N = 18-35). The dotted line across the graph shows the median for WT mice. For each subset, median values of double and triple knockout mice lacking sB1 and 1 or several NSPs (○) were analyzed by 1-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s comparison relative to reference column for sB1−/− mice (†P < .05; ††P < .01). ANOVA, analysis of variance.