Figure 1
Figure 1. CD44-mediated phagocytosis is magnesium dependent. (A) CD44 phagocytosis was assessed in the presence of the divalent cation chelators EDTA or EGTA (3 mM) or thapsigargin (10 μM) as indicated. * indicates significantly different from the other conditions (P < .05). Data are shown as the means plus or minus standard error (SE); n = 6. (B,C) Control experiments examining CR3-mediated phagocytosis (B) and Fcγ-mediated phagocytosis (C) in the presence or absence of 3 mM EDTA. * indicates different from the other (P < .05). Data are shown as the means plus or minus SE; n = 6. (D) Efficiency of CD44-mediated phagocytosis in the presence of individual divalent cations. * indicates different from buffer control; θ different from (HBSS−/− + Mg2+); ψ different from (HBSS−/− + Mn2+) (P < .05). Data are shown as the means plus or minus SE; n = 6.

CD44-mediated phagocytosis is magnesium dependent. (A) CD44 phagocytosis was assessed in the presence of the divalent cation chelators EDTA or EGTA (3 mM) or thapsigargin (10 μM) as indicated. * indicates significantly different from the other conditions (P < .05). Data are shown as the means plus or minus standard error (SE); n = 6. (B,C) Control experiments examining CR3-mediated phagocytosis (B) and Fcγ-mediated phagocytosis (C) in the presence or absence of 3 mM EDTA. * indicates different from the other (P < .05). Data are shown as the means plus or minus SE; n = 6. (D) Efficiency of CD44-mediated phagocytosis in the presence of individual divalent cations. * indicates different from buffer control; θ different from (HBSS−/− + Mg2+); ψ different from (HBSS−/− + Mn2+) (P < .05). Data are shown as the means plus or minus SE; n = 6.

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