Treg cells accumulate in the CSF of patients with NM. (A) Typical FACS staining of CSF cells (sample obtained from 1 patient with LM) for surface CD25 and intracellular FOXP3. For quantification of Treg cells, stained CSF cells were first gated according to forward and side light-scattering properties and CD4 expression, and then coexpression of FOXP3 and CD25 was assessed. (B) After staining for CD4, CD25, CD127, and FOXP3, cells were gated for CD4+ lymphocytes. (B) R1 shows CD4+CD25highCD127low cells. (C) R2 shows CD4+FOXP3+CD127low cells. (D) In vitro proliferation assay with 104 control-derived Teff cells and increasing numbers of CD4+CD25high Treg cells isolated from CSF samples obtained from 2 patients with viral infections. CSF-derived Treg cells suppress proliferation of activated Teff cells in a dose-dependent manner. (E) Percentages of CD25highFOXP3+ Treg cells among CD4+ CSF cells in patients with NM and control diseases. Symbols indicate percentages of individual patients. Medians are indicated.