Stat5b-mediated thymocyte expansion in MHC class I–deficient (β2m−/−) mice. (A) Thymic CD4/CD8 profiles of 8-week-old β2m−/− mice with and without the Stat5b transgene. β2m+/− littermates served as controls. Numbers indicate the percentage of cells in each quadrant, and total cellularity is indicated above in parentheses. (B) CD5 and sTCRβ expression on CD8+ SP cells. Numbers indicate the MFI for the CD8+ SP population as well as the percentage within the gated region. The expanded CD8+ SP population is immature, as evidenced by fewer sTCRβhi and CD5hi cells when compared with WT heterozygous controls. (C) Thymic CD4/CD8 profiles of 10-week-old β2m−/− mice expressing the ova-specific MHC class I–restricted OT-I TCR transgene. The Stat5b transgene-mediated expansion of CD8+ cells in MHC class I (β2m−/−)–deficient mice is enhanced by coexpression of the TCR transgene. OT-I TG/ β2m+/− littermates served as controls. Numbers indicate the percentage of cells in each quadrant. Representative data are shown from 1 of 5 similar experiments involving a total of 27 Stat5b TG/β2m−/− and 20 β2m−/− mice.