CD4+ TEMs mediate GVL against mCP-CML without causing GVHD. B6 mice were irradiated and reconstituted with T cell–depleted B6bm12 BM, with B6 mCP-CML with no T cells, or with 5 × 105 TN or 106 TEM B6bm12 CD4 cells. (A) Shown is survival data combined from 2 independent experiments. P < .001 for recipients of TEMs versus only T cell–depleted BM. (B) Representative serial flow cytometry of peripheral blood. Each row represents serial bleeds of individual mice. Data from 2 TEM recipients are shown to illustrate the types of responses we observed. Numbers on plots are percentages of total cells within the rectangles. (C) Numbers of NGFR+ cells in the peripheral blood of mice that underwent transplantation taken at different time points. Each symbol represents an individual animal; solid lines are mean values. P < .002 comparing TNs versus TEMs from day 15 onward.