Outcomes of patients of 60 y or older after allogeneic HCT stratified by AML- and transplantation-specific variables
The criterion for strong versus weak prediction was magnitude of discriminative capacity of the variable, whereas determination of strong versus weak evidence was based on the amount of data available. SP indicates a variable with a strong predictive power; WP, a variable with a weak predictive power; SE, strong evidence; and WE, weak evidence; FLT3-ITD, FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3-internal tandem duplications; MRD, HLA-matched related donor; MURD, HLA-matched unrelated donor; and MMURD, HLA-mismatched unrelated donor. Gray shading indicates that results are not available.
* Outcomes at 4 y.
† Leukemia-free survival (instead of OS) information was available for these patients.
‡ Outcomes at 2 y.