MMR, OS, and PFS stratified by EMR
NA indicates information not available; IM, imatinib; BOS, bosutinib; NIL, nilotinib; DAS, dasatinib; TFS, treatment-free survival; and EFS, event-free survival. All percentages are shown in only 2 significant figures. Responses are stratified for BCR-ABL1 >10%, ≤10% but >1%, and ≤1% at 3 mo where available. Some studies stratified responses between 2 groups: BCR-ABL1 >10% and ≤10% at 3 mo. The German CML IV study randomized patients into 5 arms (IM400, IM800, IM400 with IFN, IM400 with Ara-C, and IM400 after IFN failure). EMR data were analyzed in aggregate. TIDEL-II has a strategy of IM dose escalation and NIL switching, as described in the text. Marin et al used 9.84% as a BCR-ABL1 cutoff at 3 mo, not 10%.
*P < .05 comparing patients with BCR-ABL >10% versus ≤10%; **P < .05 comparing patients in the 3 groups of BCR-ABL >10%, ≤10% but >1%, and ≤1% at 3 mo.
†It should be noted that the rate of PFS/TFS/EFS is not comparable across studies due to differences in response definition.