Table 1.

Classification of mastocytosis

Classification of mastocytosis

A. The classification presented is based on the WHO proposal of 20014,5  and 2008.

* Recent data suggest that the rare monomorphic form of childhood CM often persists into adulthood, whereas the polymorphic form (with larger and irregular lesions) is only found in children and may thus disappear before or at puberty.

B. The classification presented is based on the WHO proposal of 20014,5  and 2008 and additional subvariants proposed in 2012 and 2014.12,14,34  Consensus criteria were first published in 2001, and were later confirmed by the same group in 2007 and 2012.12,14 

† Minimal criteria to diagnose SM (SM criteria) are shown in Table 3.

‡ B and C findings are listed in Table 5.

§ The AHNMD component of disease is classified according to WHO criteria.

|| Extracutaneous mastocytomas are exceptionally rare.

AHNMD indicates associated hematologic non-mast cell-lineage disease.

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