Relationship between surface coverage and maximum height of thrombi generated under high shear rate conditions from blood of normal controls, an AF patient, or a type 3 VWD patient.
Experimental conditions were as described in the Figure 1 legend, except that only a high shear rate (1500 s−1) was applied. Each data point represents the surface coverage and the maximum height of thrombi generated at 7 minutes of perfusion. Randomly selected 15 or 10 defined areas (211 × 317 μm each, see Figure 1 legend) were examined in normal controls or patients, respectively. Maximum thrombus height was based on the highest thrombus (distance from the collagen surface) within a defined area. The average (±SD) surface coverage and maximum height of thrombi in controls and in the AF patient were also indicated. The asterisk indicates statistically significant differences from control (P < .01). Note that the heights of AF thrombi were about half that of healthy controls, whereas surface coverages were comparable to normal.