Effect of OVA or PBS aerosol challenge on the percentage of blood DCs.
Mice were immunized with OVA-DCs or PBS-DCs and challenged daily with either OVA or PBS aerosol. (A) A gate was set on MHCII+cells within CD3−B220− cells. Numbers represent the mean percentage of cells within this gate. (B) Within the MHCII+ gate, CD11c+ cells represent DCs. Additional staining involved CD11b to discriminate myeloid (CD11b+) versus lymphoid (CD11b−) DCs. Numbers indicate the mean percentage of the population as percent of total cells within lysed blood cells (n = 9 per group). (C) Quantitative summary from unmanipulated naive mice, PBS-DC/PBS animals, and OVA-DC/OVA animals (*P < .05 compared with the naive and PBS-DC/PBS groups). Data are expressed as mean % blood DCs ± SEM of 1 experiment and are representative of multiple experiments.