VISTA/AVID global alignment of the αIIb gene locus.
The homology between the human and mouse αIIb gene locus is shown for homology 50% or more using the VISTA program. The x-axis defines 62 kb of human sequence, whereas the vertical axis indicates the percentage homology between this and the orthologous murine sequence. The 75% homology level, a point halfway between the minimal and maximal homology shown, is denoted. The αIIb gene is located near the center of the figure in a 5′ → 3′ orientation. Annotations for gene nomenclature are indicated and also have their 5′ → 3′ transcriptional direction and exon structure shown. Numbering in kilobase pairs is shown beginning at the transcriptional start site of the αIIb gene (position zero, “0”). The sequences upstream of the αIIb genes' start site are indicated as negative numbers and those downstream as positive numbers. Sequences that are 70% or more identical over a continuous 100-bp stretch have shaded peaks. Stretches of homology extending less than 100 bp are shown but are not shaded. Homology within coding regions is shown in black, within the 5′- or 3′-untranslated regions is striped, and within the intergenic and intronic, noncoding region is shown in gray. The 2 vertical arrows, “1” and “2,” highlight homology regions of potential physiologic importance discussed in this paper. Predicted exons for the newly defined hCP44813 gene are shown above the gray-shaded homology matches, formerly thought to be areas of noncoding sequence. Gray-filled exons within hCP44813 denote predicted alternatively spliced exon locations. GRN indicates Granulin gene.