Megakaryocytes are more numerous in BM of BclxL transgenic mice, but no increase in platelet level is detected.
(A) BM was harvested from femurs of WT or transgenic mice and cytospun; megakaryocytes were identified by in situ staining for acetylcholinesterase as described in “Materials and methods.” The data are presented as percentage of WT megakaryocytes, presented as averages ± SD for 4 different experiments (4 mice from each group), each performed in duplicates. The actual average number for WT is 52.3 ± 15.4 megakaryocytes/5 × 105 BM cells. Values were also obtained in MGDF-injected mice. (B) Platelet counts from the peripheral blood of WT and transgenic mice. The data are shown as percentage of WT values with averages ± SD for 8 mice for Tg12; for 16 mice each for Tg13, Tg16, and Tg19; and for 24 mice for WT. The actual average number for WT is 1.2 × 106 platelets in 1 μL blood. Values were also obtained in MGDF-injected mice.