Frequency of lineage-negative, CD43+, CD49e+, CD49d+, and CD62L+ cells among donor Sca-1+ cells in BM and PB at 1, 3, 6, and 20 to 24 hours following transplantation in irradiated or nonirradiated recipients.
Irradiated or nonirradiated mice received 17-90 × 106LDBM cells, killed at the indicated time points, and donor Sca-1+ cells in BM and PB analyzed for lineage expression (A), expression of CD43 (B), CD49e (C), CD49d (D), and CD62L (E) by flow cytometry as described in “Materials and methods.” PB samples were only analyzed at 1 hour because of infrequency of donor cells at later time points. Data are expressed as the mean ± SEM percent of donor Sca-1+ cells that have light scatter properties characteristic of primitive hematopoietic cells and that express each adhesion molecule. Horizontal lines on each graph represent the mean percent of Sca-1+ cells in the original graft that express each adhesion molecule. For each time point, n = 6-11 for irradiated BM, n = 3-5 for nonirradiated BM, n = 3-7 for PB, and n = 4-7 for graft cells. #P < .05 when compared with earlier time points of same transplant group, *P < .05 when compared with 1-hour BM values.