Fig. 5.
Expression of CD34 and CD36 expression on CD45lo blast cells defines 2 different immunophenotypic clusters of patients with MDS.
(A) Comparison of the means of the PE-CD34 and CD117 fluorescence ratios between controls and patients according to their FAB diagnosis. (B) Comparison of the mean of PE-CD34 and FITC-CD36 fluorescence ratios in patients belonging to the CD36hi immunophenotypic cluster, or with a RAEB/RAEB-T versus RA/RARS MDS disease. (C) Two-dimensional scattergram with its oblique axes of the fluorescence ratios for each of the markers expressed by CD45lo blast cells from patients with MDS according to the 2 most significant factors obtained from principal component factor analysis. For panels A and B, Student ttest P values are indicated on the corresponding columns of the histogram. For panel C, the percentage of variance represented by the 2 most significant factors is indicated.