Fig. 4.
Cbfβ is expressed in c-kithi cells in AGM and fetal liver embryos.
Cells were isolated from 11.5-dpc AGM (A) and fetal liver (B) ofCbfb+/+ (+/+), Cbfb+/GFP(+/GFP), and CbfbGFP/GFP(GFP/GFP) embryos and stained with c-kit PE. Representative contour plots show the distribution of cells with respect to GFP and c-kit fluorescence. (C) Cells were isolated from fetal liver of 14.5 dpcCbfb+/GFPembryos and sorted into c-kit+/GFP− and c-kit+/GFP+ populations by FACS. Progenitors in each of these populations (sorted and unsorted) were assessed by methylcellulose colony assay. The data from the methylcellulose colony assays are shown in Table 2.