Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Hematocrit levels in mice treated with normal saline or α methyl hydrocinnamic acid once daily for 5 days. / Hematocrit levels in mice treated with normal saline are shown with open symbols, and those with α methyl hydrocinnamic acid treatment are shown with closed symbols. Each curve represents values in one animal; each symbol represents the same animal's values while receiving either normal saline (open symbols) or α methylhydrocinnamatic acid (closed symbols).

Hematocrit levels in mice treated with normal saline or α methyl hydrocinnamic acid once daily for 5 days.

Hematocrit levels in mice treated with normal saline are shown with open symbols, and those with α methyl hydrocinnamic acid treatment are shown with closed symbols. Each curve represents values in one animal; each symbol represents the same animal's values while receiving either normal saline (open symbols) or α methylhydrocinnamatic acid (closed symbols).

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