Fig. 1.
Human Lin− PBMCs.
Analysis of human Lin− PBMC preparations obtained using a mAb mix containing either CD16 (A-E and K-O) or CD56 mAb (F-J and P-T). Lin− cells were stained with FITC-SAM (to detect residual Lin+ cells) and HLA-DR in conjunction with one of a panel of lineage mAbs. Flow cytometry profiles of (A) CD16-depleted or (F) CD56-depleted residual lineage-labeling intensity shows 3 peaks: R1, R2, and R3. The Lin−HLA-DR+ cells (B,G) were analyzed further for CD20 (C,H), CD7 (D,I), CD64 (E,J), CD14 (K,P), CD16 (L,Q), CD56 (M,R), CD11c (N,S), and CD33 (O,T).