Fig. 3.
Apoptotic markers on CD34 cells obtained from patients with trisomy 8 and monosomy 7.
BMMNCs were obtained from patients with de novo MDS and trisomy 8 or monosomy 7 and were then stained with monoclonal antibodies: CD34-PE and annexin–fluorescein isothiocyanate (annexin-FITC) or CD95-FITC. Cells were gated for CD34 cells, and the number of annexin-staining and CD95-staining cells were quantitated. CD34+, CD95+, and CD34+, PI−, annexin+ cells are shown in the histograms above. CD34 cells from patients with trisomy 8 showed increased expression of annexin and CD95 when compared with patients with monosomy 7 (n = 5) and normal cells.10