Multilineage repopulation capacity of transduced and expanded SRCs in primary and secondary mice.
(A) Isotype controls. (B) FACS analysis of BM marrow cells from a primary mouse that had received a transplant 8 weeks previously of 2 × 105 transduced CB CD34+ cells expanded for 4 weeks with FL, TPO, SCF, and IL6. BM cells were analyzed as described in “Materials and methods.” Analysis of lineage markers (CD45/CD19, CD45/CD41, CD45/CD34, CD45/CD14) was performed on cells comprised within the human CD45 gate; analysis of GpA+cells was performed on total BM cells. The numbers in the top right quadrants show the percentages of GFP+ cells within the CD45+ population or within CD34+, CD19+, CD14+, CD41+, and GpA+ cells. (C) Representative FACS profiles of marrow cells from an individual NOD/SCID mouse that had received a transplant 8 weeks previously of unfractionated BM cells of a primary mouse injected with transduced and expanded CB CD34+ cells. GFP positivity and multilineage engraftment were evaluated as described for panel A.