Fig. 7.
MPLAS expression inhibits hematopoietic differentiation of ES cells.
Three independent MPLAS CJ7 ES clones (MPL-AS1, MPL-AS2, and MPL-AS3), obtained after electroporation, were tested for in vitro hematopoietic differentiation in the presence of the 7GF cocktail and MS-5 cells. Analysis of D12 EB content of hematopoietic progenitors, for MPLAS clones as well as for parental and MSCV CJ7 ES cells, is shown. Types of colonies (CFU): ■, granulocyte-macrophage (-GM); ▤, burst-forming unit-erythroid (BFU-E); ▪, mixed (-Mixt); and ▧, -EMK, or -GMK.