Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Effect of conditioning radiation dose on NBr marrow grafting in Lewis rats. / Four groups of 9 Lewis rats received 2 × 105 NBr marrow cells 2 hours following irradiation. Groups of 2 to 3 Lewis rats that were irradiated, but not grafted, are labeled control (C). TBI60Co doses are listed on the x-axis. Rats were assayed 12 weeks after grafting. Solid bar (▪) indicates positive recipients; open bar (■), negative recipients; and striped bar (▥), rats not surviving.

Effect of conditioning radiation dose on NBr marrow grafting in Lewis rats.

Four groups of 9 Lewis rats received 2 × 105 NBr marrow cells 2 hours following irradiation. Groups of 2 to 3 Lewis rats that were irradiated, but not grafted, are labeled control (C). TBI60Co doses are listed on the x-axis. Rats were assayed 12 weeks after grafting. Solid bar (▪) indicates positive recipients; open bar (■), negative recipients; and striped bar (▥), rats not surviving.

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