Immunohistologic analysis of the expression of CCL19 and CCL20 in healthy and T-cell infiltrative skin diseases.
The antibody-specific peroxidase reaction is stained brown; the hematoxylin nuclear counterstain is blue. All photomicrographs are at × 50 original magnification. (A) CCL19 expression in healthy skin. (B) CCL19 in atopic dermatitis. (C) CCL19 in lichen planus. (D) CCL19 in GVHD. One of the 3 skin samples of atopic dermatitis had expression of CCL19 in dendritic cells, which is shown in panel B. (E) CCL20 expression in healthy skin keratinocytes (right) and macrophages (left). (F) CCL20 expression in atopic dermatitis, (G) CCL20 expression in lichen planus, and (H) CCL20 expression in GVHD. There was no distinction in CCL20 expression between healthy and diseased skin. Three separate patient samples were tested for healthy and 3 for diseased skin.