Immunohistologic analysis of the expression of CCL21 and CCR7 in healthy skin and T-cell autoimmune skin disease.
CCL21 is not expressed in samples of healthy skin (A) but is expressed in venule endothelial cells of atopic dermatitis (B), lichen planus (C), and graft-versus-host disease by immunohistology (D). (E) CCR7 expression in healthy skin. (F) CCR7 expression in atopic dermatitis. (G) CCR7 expression in lichen planus. (H) CCR7 expression in GVHD. Three distinct patient skin samples were tested for each disease and 3 for healthy skin. All showed results identical to those shown here. Lower power views of the autoimmune samples found that all venule endothelial cells express CCL21. The photomicrographs shown here are representative of all samples. All slides were photographed at × 50 original magnification.