Fig. 1.
Two-dimensional electrophoretograms of wide pH range of MPRO cells.
MPRO cells differentiate to mature neutrophils in the presence of ATRA. Following exposure to 10 μM ATRA for 0, 24, 48, or 72 hours, MPRO cell lysate (2.5 × 106 cells/sample) was loaded for 2-dimensional electrophoretic (2DE) analysis. The gels were stained with brilliant blue G-colloidal dye. (A) Uninduced MPRO cell (0 hour); (B) MPRO cells induced with ATRA for 24 hours; (C) MPRO cells induced with ATRA for 48 hours; (D) matured MPRO cells induced with ATRA for 72 hours. The most visible protein spots in the maps were subjected to MS analysis. The marked 2 DE maps could be found in our website ( *2 DE maps of panels A and D were published in our previous paper.20