Fig. 1.
Southern blot assay used to detect legitimate and illegitimate rearrangements at the IgH locus.
Southern blot of 4 WM samples that were fractionated on an agarose gel, blotted, and hybridized sequentially with a JH probe (A), and a 5′ Sμ probe (B). Horizontal bars at the left of each exposure correspond to λHindIII markers, with the 9.4-kb marker in each lane but the 6.6-kb marker included for panel A. Panel A shows the genomic DNA probes with a JH oligonucleotide probe and the corresponding clonal bands (variable size) and germ line fragments (approximately 10 kb). Panel B shows the constant size of the 5′ Sμ probe indicating lack of legitimate or illegitimate rearrangements. The total amount of genomic DNA loaded was 2.5 μg per lane.