Fig. 6.
Isolation of AC133+ and AC133−subsets from human embryonic tissues.
Human fetal neural cells were stained with human-specific antibodies raised to the prominin AC133, CD34, and CD45. AC133+ and AC133− cells were isolated according to sorting gates shown in Figure 1, from the population of cells devoid of CD34 and the hematopoietic marker CD45. (A) Purified subpopulations of AC133+CD34−CD45− (Bi) and AC133−CD45−CD34− (Bii) cells from human neural tissue were cultured under serum-free conditions shown to induce neural hematopoiesis. Magnification × 200 (Bi) and × 400 (Bii). Hematopoietic colonies of multiple lineages were detected from AC133+CD34−CD45− cells. The composition of colonies was similar to that shown in Figure 4. (C) Quantitative analysis of hematopoietic colonies arising from either AC133+ or AC133− subsets from the CD34−CD45− population. Cells were cultured in HGF with BMP-4 and EPO and were then collected and plated into colony-forming assays. Colonies were scored after 12 to 14 days and shown as the average number of colonies per 50 000 cell input ± SEM. Averages shown are based on 4 independent samples.