Plasma priming activity of control platelet concentrates vs platelet concentrates implicated in TRALI reactions as a function of storage time.
The buffer priming of fMLP (1 μM)–activated PMNs (C) is compared with that of PMNs pretreated with 10% plasma from units transfused to patients who did not have transfusion reactions (control platelets; ■), activated with fMLP, and with the plasma fraction of platelets implicated in TRALI reactions (implicated platelets; ▪), activated with fMLP, both as a function of storage time. * indicates statistically significant differences (P < .05) between the control platelet priming activity and priming activity from both the buffer-treated controls and day-1 platelet plasma. # indicates a statistically significant difference (P < .05) between the plasma priming activity of implicated platelet units and the plasma priming activity of control platelets, both as a function of storage time. Each bar represents a sample size of at least 8.