Fig. 4.
Inhibition of
Fancc−/− HPC growth by IFNγ was prevented by L-NMMA. (A) Fancc−/−(■) and control (▪) HPCs grown in the presence of IFNγ (10 ng/mL) with and without 0.5 mM L-NMMA. Bars indicate percentage of control (no cytokine added) for each of the 2 genotypes. (B) Flow cytometry TUNEL analysis showing percentage of cell nuclei that were dUTP positive in untreated cultures (0), cultures treated with IFNγ (10 ng/mL), and cultures treated with IFNγ plus 0.5 mM L-NMMA. Flow data were based on 10 000 events. n = 4 mice per genotype. *P < .05.