Enforced expression of
CUL-4A inhibits granulocytic differentiation. (A) The cell lines generated from PLB-985 cells transfected with pEF-PGKpac (empty vector) or with pEFpac-CUL-4A-HA (CUL-4A-HA1 or CUL-4A-HA2) were induced with DMF to differentiate into granulocytes for 0 to 6 days, and total RNA was isolated from a sample taken at each time point. RNA (5 μg) from each sample was electrophoresed, and the amount of gp91phox mRNA was determined by Northern blot analysis and normalized with respect to the amount of actin mRNA. The average of results from 2 independent experiments appears in the graph to the right of the autoradiogram (empty vector control, ▪;CUL-4A-HA1, ●; CUL-4A-HA2, ▴). 100% corresponds to the amount of gp91phox mRNA measured in control cells 6 days after induction. Error bars denote SEM. For data points with no visible error bars, the error bars are smaller than the symbol. (B) The 3 cell lines were induced with DMF as described for panel A, and total protein was isolated from a sample taken at each time point. Protein (10 μg) from each sample was electrophoresed, and the amount of gp91phoxprotein was determined by immunoblot and normalized with respect to the amount of actin. The results from a representative experiment are shown. The symbols are as described for panel A. 100% corresponds to the amount of gp91phox protein measured in control cells 6 days after induction. (C) The 3 cell lines were induced with DMF for 4 days, and cells with oxidase activity were detected by their ability to reduce nitro blue tetrazolium to generate violet formazan granules. Cells with oxidase activity were counted and the results from 3 independent experiments were graphed. Error bars represent SEM, which is reported in the text. Comparing eitherCUL-4A-HA1 or CUL-4A-HA2 and the control,P < .01 by Student t test. (D) The 3 cell lines were induced with DMF as described above and slide preparations were stained with Diff-Quick Stain. Cells with band or polymorphonuclear nuclear morphology were counted, and the results of 3 independent experiments were graphed. Error bars represent SEM, which is reported in the text. Comparing either CUL-4A-HA1 or CUL-4A-HA2 and the control, P = .0002 by Student t test. (E) Fields representative of 3 separate experiments graphed in panel D were photographed (magnification × 40 and × 100 for inset images) and appear as follows: (i) empty vector control cells before DMF addition, (ii) empty vector control cells 4 days after induction, (iii) CUL-4A-HA1 cells 4 days after induction, and (iv) CUL-4A-HA2 cells 4 days after induction. Arrows in panel i point to examples of cells with undifferentiated cell morphology, while those in panel ii show differentiated cells.