Fig. 4.
Competitive repopulation assay using 34−KSL-derived cells.
(A) Staining profile of Sca-1 versus c-Kit in lineage-depleted and CD34−/low–gated populations in bone marrow. (B) Flow cytometric analysis for GFP in infected 34−KSL-derived cells. Effieciency of infection at the end of the 2-day infection period is indicated. (C) Maintenance of the KSL phenotype in 34−KSL-derived cells by HES-1. Left, nontransduced 34−KSL-derived cells; middle, HES-1Igv–transduced 34−KSL-derived cells; right, GFPv-transduced 34−KSL-derived cells. (D) Chimerism of GFP+Ly5.1+ cells in the total Ly5.1+ cells in the blood of recipients. Results for HES-1IGv and GFPv are shown as the mean ± SD of 12 and 8 measurements, respectively, from 3 independent experiments (2 to 6 animals per experiment).