Fig. 5.
Egr-1 and TF expression in the kidneys and lungs of untreated and LPS-treated mice.
In situ hybridization experiments using an antisense Egr-1 riboprobe (A-C) detected Egr-1 mRNA expression in epithelial cells of distal tubules (A), urinary epithelium (B), and the bronchial epithelium (C) of untreated mice. Black grains indicate Egr-1–positive cells. LacZ expression (D-F) was analyzed in tissues from LPS-treated (2 hours) Egr-1+/−(LacZ) mice. Distal tubules (D), urinary epithelium (E), and bronchial epithelium (F) expressed LacZ (blue). In situ hybridization experiments (G-I) showed that TF mRNA was expressed by distal tubules (G), urinary epithelium (H), and bronchial epithelium (I) in LPS-treated (8 hours) mice. Original magnification was × 400 for all panels except panels D and G (× 1000). BE indicates bronchial epithelium; DT, distal tubule; G, glomerulus; PT, proximal tubule; RP, renal papilla; and UE, urinary epithelium. Arrowheads indicate Egr-1– and TF mRNA–positive cells.