Fig. 6.
Effect of the A-loop conformation on inhibition of Abl by PP1 and CGP76030.
The conformation of the A-loop does not influence inhibition of Abl by PP1 and CGP76030. (A-B) Phospho-Abl and Abl immunoblots of lysates from Cos7 cells transfected with pApuro, Bcr-Ablwt, Bcr-AblTyr393Phe, or Bcr-AblAsp276Ser/Glu279Ser. Cells were either left untreated or incubated with the indicated concentrations of PP1 (panel A) or CGP76030 (panel B). (C-D) Proliferation (left panels) and survival (right panels) of 32DBcr-Ablwt or 32DBcr-AblAsp276Ser/Glu279Ser cells grown in the presence of the indicated concentrations of PP1 (panel C) or CGP76030 (panel D).