Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Effect of tBHQ in differentiation induction by nonretinoid agents. / HL-60 cells were treated for 3 days with various concentrations of (A) 8-CPT-cAMP or (B) DMSO, in the absence (■) or presence (▪) of 3 μM tBHQ, and cellular NADPH oxidase activity measured by NBT reduction was determined. Mean ± SEM (n = 5).

Effect of tBHQ in differentiation induction by nonretinoid agents.

HL-60 cells were treated for 3 days with various concentrations of (A) 8-CPT-cAMP or (B) DMSO, in the absence (■) or presence (▪) of 3 μM tBHQ, and cellular NADPH oxidase activity measured by NBT reduction was determined. Mean ± SEM (n = 5).

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