Fig. 2.
Human CD45+ cell engraftment of NOD/SCID mice.
Each mouse that received a transplant of 5 × 104CB-derived Lin−CD34high (A), Lin−CD34low (B), and Lin−CD34− (C) cells was killed 12 weeks after transplantation. Open and closed circles represent the repopulation rates in total murine BMs by conventional TVI and by IBMI, respectively. Horizontal bars represent each median of the repopulation rates. The level of repopulation by Lin−CD34high cells by IBMI (median, 64.8%) is significantly (P < .03) higher than that (median, 26.2%) by TVI. All 7 mice that received transplants of Lin−CD34− cells by IBMI were engrafted, and the median human CD45+ cell rate is 19.3%, while none of the 10 mice that received transplants of Lin−CD34− cells by TVI were engrafted. In addition, none of the mice that received transplants of Lin−CD34low cells by TVI or IBMI were engrafted.