Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. The mouse bcl-x promoter and illustration of probes used. / (A) Features of the mouse bcl-x gene upstream of the protein coding sequence. The sequences shown are taken from reference 16 and from the GenBank (accession number AF088904). The indicated splice donor and acceptor sites have been previously published1617 and were verified here. The indicated cluster of transcription start sites was determined by us to be the predominant site in erythroid cells and corresponds to one of several sites published by others.1617 Position −1804 is the farthest upstream point of conservation between sequences of the mouse and human genomes in the region of the bcl-x genes (comparison of Genbank sequences AF088904 and AL160175). (B) An illustration of 5 of the most useful probes used in nuclease protection mapping of the transcription start site. Probes 3 and 4 were generated by RT-PCR and thus lack the intron sequence, −396 to −112.

The mouse bcl-x promoter and illustration of probes used.

(A) Features of the mouse bcl-x gene upstream of the protein coding sequence. The sequences shown are taken from reference 16 and from the GenBank (accession number AF088904). The indicated splice donor and acceptor sites have been previously published16,17 and were verified here. The indicated cluster of transcription start sites was determined by us to be the predominant site in erythroid cells and corresponds to one of several sites published by others.16 17 Position −1804 is the farthest upstream point of conservation between sequences of the mouse and human genomes in the region of the bcl-x genes (comparison of Genbank sequences AF088904 and AL160175). (B) An illustration of 5 of the most useful probes used in nuclease protection mapping of the transcription start site. Probes 3 and 4 were generated by RT-PCR and thus lack the intron sequence, −396 to −112.

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