Fig. 4.
Expression of CD45, CD138, and IL-6Rα during disease progression.
(A) 5T2MM cells were gated as explained in Figure 1A. For each tumor stage, plots from one mouse are illustrated. Each column of plots illustrates the expression of the antigen indicated below at the different tumor stages. Results are expressed as bivariate plots. x-axis: expression level of the indicated antigen; y-axis: autofluorescence; no marker was used in this channel (FL-4). Percentages of positive cells are indicated. (B) Alterations in CD45, CD138, and IL-6Rα expression during disease progression. Three mice were killed each week until the remaining animals were terminally diseased. Myeloma cells were phenotyped as described in Figure 1A legend. Percentages of CD45+, CD138−, and IL-6R+ MM cells are shown. Each point represents mean value of 3 mice ± SD.