Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Novel translocations involving chromosome 3 in different. / MYC-induced lymphomas. In tumor 6814 R1, a reciprocal translocation, t(3;1), was found. Tumors 7525, 6814, and 2453 R all contained a nonreciprocal translocation in which part of chromosome 2, 4, or 15, respectively, had been translocated to the telomeric end of Chr 3. Tumor 1232 R3 and tumor 2263 harbored a translocation in which the entire chromosome 10 or 17, respectively, was translocated to the proximal part of Chr 3.

Novel translocations involving chromosome 3 in different

MYC-induced lymphomas. In tumor 6814 R1, a reciprocal translocation, t(3;1), was found. Tumors 7525, 6814, and 2453 R all contained a nonreciprocal translocation in which part of chromosome 2, 4, or 15, respectively, had been translocated to the telomeric end of Chr 3. Tumor 1232 R3 and tumor 2263 harbored a translocation in which the entire chromosome 10 or 17, respectively, was translocated to the proximal part of Chr 3.

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