Fig. 1.
Effect of 7 treatments with SCF (S), FLT-3 ligand (F), TPO (T), IL-3 (3), and SDF-1 after 8 Gy 127Cs γ irradiation on survival of B6D2F1 mice.
Cytokines TPO alone, SDF-1α alone, SFT (3F), SFT3 (4F), and SFT3 + SDF-1 (5F) were given at 50 μg/kg intraperitoneally 2 hours and 24 hours after TBI. 4F was also evaluated 2 hours after TBI at 50 μg/kg (4Fsingle also indicated as 4Fs) or 2 hours and 24 hours after TBI at 10 μg/kg (4F10). The data presented summarize the results of 4 experiments. (A) 30-day survival: any therapy was effective in prolonging short-term survival. (B) 300-day survival: Kaplan-Meier analysis was performed to analyze survival curves and showed a global statistical significance (P < .0001). Statistical significance was determined between groups using χ2analysis with Yates correction (see Table 2).