Figure 3.
Relative activity of hepcidin derivatives. (A) Flow cytometry measuring degradation of ferroportin-GFP. (B) Ferritin ELISA measuring cellular iron retention. For both panels, the values were expressed as a fraction of hep25 activity. Peptides were added to cells for 24 hours at 1 μM concentration, except for hep3 and hep6, which were added at 4 μM. 25 = hep25; 24 to 20 = del1(D) to del1-5(DTHFP); 3 = hep3 (DTH); 6 = hep6 (DTHFPI); 26 = hep26(+A); dKT = del24-25(KT); AA1 = C7A/C13A; AA3 = C11A/C19A; AA4 = C13A/C14A; 1SS = [del9-12(FCCG), del19-22(CGMC), C13A/C14A]; zebra = zebra fish. The activities corresponding to the unmodified, naturally occurring active forms of hepcidin are shown as black bars.