Figure 3.
Figure 3. Relative activity of hepcidin derivatives. (A) Flow cytometry measuring degradation of ferroportin-GFP. (B) Ferritin ELISA measuring cellular iron retention. For both panels, the values were expressed as a fraction of hep25 activity. Peptides were added to cells for 24 hours at 1 μM concentration, except for hep3 and hep6, which were added at 4 μM. 25 = hep25; 24 to 20 = del1(D) to del1-5(DTHFP); 3 = hep3 (DTH); 6 = hep6 (DTHFPI); 26 = hep26(+A); dKT = del24-25(KT); AA1 = C7A/C13A; AA3 = C11A/C19A; AA4 = C13A/C14A; 1SS = [del9-12(FCCG), del19-22(CGMC), C13A/C14A]; zebra = zebra fish. The activities corresponding to the unmodified, naturally occurring active forms of hepcidin are shown as black bars.

Relative activity of hepcidin derivatives. (A) Flow cytometry measuring degradation of ferroportin-GFP. (B) Ferritin ELISA measuring cellular iron retention. For both panels, the values were expressed as a fraction of hep25 activity. Peptides were added to cells for 24 hours at 1 μM concentration, except for hep3 and hep6, which were added at 4 μM. 25 = hep25; 24 to 20 = del1(D) to del1-5(DTHFP); 3 = hep3 (DTH); 6 = hep6 (DTHFPI); 26 = hep26(+A); dKT = del24-25(KT); AA1 = C7A/C13A; AA3 = C11A/C19A; AA4 = C13A/C14A; 1SS = [del9-12(FCCG), del19-22(CGMC), C13A/C14A]; zebra = zebra fish. The activities corresponding to the unmodified, naturally occurring active forms of hepcidin are shown as black bars.

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